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How to read .rtf file and convert into python3 strings and can be stored in python3 list?

I am having a .rtf file and I want to read the file and store strings into list using python3 by using any package but it should be compatible with both Windows and Linux.

I have tried striprtf but read_rtf is not working.

from striprtf.striprtf import rtf_to_text
from striprtf.striprtf import read_rtf
rtf = read_rtf("file.rtf")
text = rtf_to_text(rtf)

But in this code, the error is: cannot import name 'read_rtf'

Please can anyone suggest any way to get strings from .rtf file in python3?

Have you tried this?

with open('yourfile.rtf', 'r') as file:
    text = file.read()

For a super large file, try this:

with open("yourfile.rtf") as infile:
    for line in infile:

Try using this:

from striprtf.striprtf import rtf_to_text

sample_text = "any text as a string you want"
text = rtf_to_text(sample_text)

Reading RTF file and manipulating the data inside that is tricky, it is depending upon the file you have, Hence I have tried all the above nothing worked, finally, the following code worked for me. Hope it will help those who are hunting for the solution.

from win32com.client import Dispatch
word = Dispatch('Word.Application') # Open word application
 # word = DispatchEx('Word.Application') # start a separate process
word.Visible = 0 # Run in the background, no display
word.DisplayAlerts = 0 # No warning
path = r'C:\Projects\10.1\power.rtf' 
doc = word.Documents.Open(FileName=path, Encoding='gbk')
for para in doc.paragraphs:

If you want to store in a single variable, the following code will solve the problem.

from win32com.client import Dispatch
word = Dispatch('Word.Application') # Open word application
 # word = DispatchEx('Word.Application') # start a separate process
word.Visible = 0 # Run in the background, no display
word.DisplayAlerts = 0 # No warning
path = r'C:\Projects\10.1\output_5.rtf' # Write absolute path, relative path will dial wrong
doc = word.Documents.Open(FileName=path, Encoding='gbk')

#for para in doc.paragraphs:
#    print(para.Range.Text)

content = '\n'.join([para.Range.Text for para in doc.paragraphs])



Using rtf_to_text is enought to convsert rtf into string in Python. read content from a rtf file and feed it to the rtf_to_text

from striprtf.striprtf import rtf_to_text
with open("yourfile.rtf") as infile:
    content = infile.read()
    text = rtf_to_text(content)

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