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In Python, how to pass a callback array as arguments to a C function using ctypes?

This is my problem, I have a legacy library (.so) written in C with APIs like this:

typedef void (*CALLBACK)( void);
void init(CALLBACK_TBL callbackTbl)
        T_MYCALLBACK *myCallback1 = (T_MYCALLBACK *)(callbackTbl[0]);
        if (myCallback1 )

Of course, because it is a legacy library, I cannot change the API signature.

Now From Python, I am trying to call init with callback defined into python:

CallbackType1 = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_ulong, c_ulong)
CallbackType2 = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_ubyte, c_ubyte)
CallbackType5 = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int32, c_int32)

def callback1(long1, long2):

def callback2(bool1, bool2):
def callback5(int1, int2):

But I am not able to understand how am I supposed to make such an array of callbacks:

_callback1 = CallbackType1(callback1)
_callback2 = CallbackType1(callback2)
_callback5 = CallbackType1(callback5)

lib = CDLL("lib.so")
lib.init(....) ?????

Does somebody have an idea ?

A working minimal example would be nice. I've created one below but if it doesn't work for you update your question with a similar DLL example that matches your situation:


typedef void (*CALLBACK)(); // generic
typedef void (*CALLBACK1)(long,long);
typedef void (*CALLBACK2)(bool,bool);
typedef void (*CALLBACK3)(int,int,int);


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void init(CALLBACK_TBL callbackTbl)


from ctypes import *

CALLBACK1 = CFUNCTYPE(None,c_long,c_long)
CALLBACK2 = CFUNCTYPE(None,c_bool,c_bool)
CALLBACK3 = CFUNCTYPE(None,c_int,c_int,c_int)

class CALLBACK_TBL(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('cb1',CALLBACK1),

def callback1(a,b):

def callback2(a,b):

def callback3(a,b,c):

cbt = CALLBACK_TBL(callback1,callback2,callback3)

dll = CDLL('./test')
dll.init.argtypes = CALLBACK_TBL,
dll.init.restype = None



callback1 1 2
callback2 True False
callback3 1 2 3

Listing [Python 3.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python .

The simplest thing is to take the C code as it is (without thinking too much about it) and convert it to Python :

 >>> import ctypes as ct >>> >>> Callback = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None) # Generic callback type - might be a ct.c_void_p as well >>> CallbackArray = Callback * 5 >>> >>> Callback1 = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None, ct.c_ulong, ct.c_ulong) >>> def func1(long1, long2): pass ... >>> callback1 = Callback1(func1) >>> >>> # The rest of Callback# func# and callback# >>> >>> callback_array = CallbackArray() >>> callback_array <__main__.CFunctionType_Array_5 object at 0x000001517253CA48> >>> callback_array[0] <CFunctionType object at 0x000001517240BBA8> >>> >>> callback_array[0] = ct.cast(callback1, Callback) # !!! Conversion needed !!! >>> callback_array[0] <CFunctionType object at 0x000001517240BE18> >>> # Same thing for callback_array[1] .. callback_array[4]

And the rest of the code (I didn't paste it in the console as it wouldn't work):

lib = ct.CDLL("./lib.so")

lib.init.argtypes = [CallbackArray]  # Check the URL at the end


Always define argtypes (and restype ) for functions imported from .dll s. Check [SO]: C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value (@CristiFati's answer) for more details.

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