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Beautifulsoup, find the only tag in the htm that has no attribute

I know...from the title this answer seems the same oh thousand of others. BUT I have still searched all related and similar questions. What I'm asking is, given this html (just an exemple):


    <div class="div-share noprint">
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        <h1>"The Divine Wings Of Tragedy" lyrics</h1></div>,
    <div class="pther">
        <h2><b>Symphony X Lyrics</b></h2>
    <div class="ringtone">
        <span id="cf_text_top"></span>
        <i>[Part I - At the Four Corners of the Earth]</i>
        <br/> On the edge of paradise
        <br/> Tears of woe fall, cold as ice
        <br/> Hear my cry


I want to find the only tag that has no attributes. Not an empy attr, like I saw in other questions, or a strange specific attribute, or attrs = None ... that tag has nothing else. But if I use findAll, I find all the other tag in the html. the same if I use attrs = False, attrs = None and so on..,

so there is a possibility?

thanks a lot!

您可以将 lambda 函数传递给find_all方法,该方法检查标记名称并且元素中没有find_all


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