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MongoDB query aggregation localField ObjectId string and foreign field ObjectId

My goal is to aggregate 2 collections where in one, namely the user collection, I have an array of string type objectid that represent the actual ids in the other collection, namely the images collection. im using the following code

    await dbConn()
    return User.aggregate([
           $match:{_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)}


so there's a match of one item in the users collection. then deconstructing the imgIds array and trying to make the connection between the two with lookup whereas localField is a string and _id is an ObjectId. The result is ImgObjs is an empty array.

Any thoughts about this one? Im using version Mongo 3.6.12


I found out something very strange in my server behavior. When im doing a simple findById call, my image item is an array of ObjectId. But when using aggregate, the ObjecIds become String. Anyone has any idea whats up here?

You need to convert your strings to object IDs (or your object IDs to string).

For Mongo version 4.0 or higher

You can use $toObjectId to do this. In your case you can add an $addFields stage after your unwind:

  $addFields: {
    imgIdObjId: { $toObjectId: $imgIds }

In your lookup you will need to use that field instead of imgIds :


For reference checkout: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/toObjectId/

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