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Consuming a web api inside a web application project when using Kubernetes enabled in Docker Desktop and Helm

I have managed to deploy a simple ASP.NET MVC application to Kubernetes (Kubernetes enabled in Docker Desktop) using this tutorial: https://medium.com/@bterkaly/running-asp-net-applications-in-kubernetes-a-detailed-step-by-step-approach-96c98f273d1a . My manifest looks like this:

environment: development

apphost: k8s

  name: aspnet3core

  name: aspnet3
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  image: aspnet3k8s
  tag: v1
  port: 80
replicas: 3

  port: 8888
  type: ClusterIP

I have also managed to deploy a simple Web API project to Kubernetes using this tutorial: https://dev.to/wolnikmarcin/run-asp-net-core-3-on-kubernetes-with-helm-1o01 . My manifest looks like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: dotnetlinux
  replicas: 2
        app: dotnetlinux
        - image: "brunoterkaly/dotnetlinux"
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: dotnetlinux
            - containerPort: 80

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dotnetlinux
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    app: dotnetlinux

I am now trying to workout how to call the web api from the MVC project. I cannot find an explanation online of how to do this. I was hoping there would be a sample project on GitHub, but I can't find it.

I am using Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled and Visual Studio 2019 (Kubernetes/Helm).

Just posting my comment as an answer:

To access your POD you need to call your service "dotnetlinux" on port:80, something like dotnetlinux:80/yourAPI .

You can also run kubectl get services to get the IP of the service, then use that. Not a good approach though, as the IP of the service will change every time your service is restarted.

In this documentation page there is a lot of details about Services and the sessions Motivation and Service resources explain why Services are needed, and how they help you in your case.

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