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How to install PIP for Python version 3.7.2?

I'm trying to install PIP for python but can't seem to understand how. I know I will probably be slated for not understanding, but I'm completely lost, If I follow the address given by python. get-pip,py - I get sent to a random page with lots of binary data. if i type that code into cmd I'm told that get is not defined or it is not an internal or external command that is recognised, I'm really stuck, any help would be appreciated!

Try to install pip again using following steps:

  • Download get-pip.py to a folder on your computer
  • Then run python get-pip.py
  • Verify a successful installation by opening a command prompt window and navigating to your Python installation's script directory (default is C:\Python27\Scripts). Type pip freeze from this location to launch the Python interpreter.
  • On the System Properties / Advanced tab , click Environment Variables to open User Variables and System Variables
  • Then add the Python installation path to Windows' PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE
  1. You need to provide the path correctly. Open cmd and then set the path for your python installed location


cd C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32
  1. Then download get-pip.py and copy to the python installed location(Above location)

  2. Run the following command in your cmd

    python get-pip.py

  3. Check Pip installed. using

    python -m pip -V

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