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Python scope when assignment never performed

So I get that

x = 5
def f():


gives back 5 and 5.

I also get that

x = 5
def f():
    x = 7


gives back 7 and 5.

What is wrong with the following?

x = 5
def f():
    if False:
        x = 7   


I would guess that since the x=7 never happens I should get 5 and 5 again. Instead I get

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

Does python regard x as a local variable because in this indented block there is an assignment expression regardless if it is executed or not? What is the rule exactly?

When the function is defined python interprets x as a local variable since it's assigned inside the body of the function. During runtime, when you go into the else clause, the interpreter looks for a local variable x , which is unassigned.

If you want both x to refer to the same variable, you can add global x inside the body of the function, before its assignment to essentially tell python when I call x I'll be referring to the global-scope x .

If a name binding operation occurs anywhere within a code block, all uses of the name within the block are treated as references to the current block. This can lead to errors when a name is used within a block before it is bound. This rule is subtle. Python lacks declarations and allows name binding operations to occur anywhere within a code block. The local variables of a code block can be determined by scanning the entire text of the block for name binding operations.

You need to use global in your function f() like so:

x = 5
def f():
    global x
    if False:
        x = 7   


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