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TDD: best practices mocking stacks of objects

I'm trying to get familiar with unit testing in PHP with a small API in Lumen. Writing the first few tests was pretty nice with the help of some tutorials but now I encountered a point where I have to mock/ stub a dependency.

My controller depends on a specific custom interface type hinted in the constructor.
Of course, I defined this interface/implementation-binding within a ServiceProvider.

    public function __construct(CustomValidatorContract $validator)
        // App\Contracts\CustomValidatorContract
        $this->validator = $validator;

    public function resize(Request $request)
        // Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator
        $validation = $this->validator->validate($request->all());

        if ($validation->fails()) {
            $response = array_merge(
                ->errors() // Illuminate\Support\MessageBag
                ['error' => 'Invalid request data.']

            // response is global helper
            return response()->json($response, 400, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);

As you can see, my CustomValidatorContract has a method validate() which returns an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator (the validation result). This in turn returns an instance of Illuminate\Support\MessageBag when errors() is called. MessageBag then has a toArray() -method.

Now I want to test the behavior of my controller in case the validation fails.

    /** @test */
    public function failing_validation_returns_400()
        $EmptyErrorMessageBag = $this->createMock(MessageBag::class);

        /** @var ValidationResult&\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $AlwaysFailsTrueValidationResult */
        $AlwaysFailsTrueValidationResult = $this->createStub(ValidationResult::class);

        /** @var Validator&\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $CustomValidatorAlwaysFailsTrue */
        $CustomValidatorAlwaysFailsTrue = $this->createStub(Validator::class);

        $controller = new ImageResizeController($CustomValidatorAlwaysFailsTrue);
        $response = $controller->resize(new Request);

        $this->assertEquals(400, $response->status());
        $response = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('error', $response);

This is a test that runs ok - but can someone please tell me if there is a better way to write this? It doesn't feel right. Is this big stack of moc-objects needed because of the fact that I'm using a framework in the background? Or is there something wrong with my architecture so that this feels so "overengineered"?


What you are doing is not unit testing because you are not testing a single unit of your application. This is an integration test, performed with unit testing framework, and this is the reason it looks intuitively wrong.

Unit testing and integration testing happen at different times, at different places and require different approaches and tools - the former tests every single class and function of your code, while latter couldn't care less about those, they just request APIs and validate responses. Also, IT doesn't imply mocking anything because it's goal is to test how well your units integrate with each other.

You'll have hard time supporting tests like that because every time you change CustomValidatorContract you'll have to fix all the tests involving it. This is how UT improves code design by requiring it to be as loosely coupled as possible (so you could pick a single unit and use it without the need to boot entire app), respecting SRP & OCP , etc.

You don't need to test 3rd party code, pick an already tested one instead. You don't need to test side effects either, because environment is just like 3rd party service, it should be tested separately ( return response() is a side effect). Also it seriously slows down the testing.

All that leads to the idea that you only want to test your CustomValidatorContract in isolation. You don't even need to mock anything there, just instantiate the validator, give it few sets of input data and check how it goes.

This is a test that runs ok - but can someone please tell me if there is a better way to write this? It doesn't feel right. Is this big stack of moc-objects needed because of the fact that I'm using a framework in the background? Or is there something wrong with my architecture so that this feels so "overengineered"?

The big stack of mock objects indicates that your test subject is tightly coupled to many different things.

If you want to support simpler tests, then you need to make the design simpler.

In other words, instead of Controller.resize being one enormous monolithic thing that knows all of the details about everything, think about a design where resize only knows about the surface of things, and how to delegate work to other (more easily tested) pieces.

This is normal, in the sense that TDD is a lot about choosing designs that support better testing.

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