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Can Spring circular reference errors happen randomly due to race conditions?

We have some builds that are failing with variations of this error:

Error creating bean with name 'cartServiceImpl': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'addressServiceClient'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'addressServiceClient': Bean with name 'addressServiceClient' has been injected into other beans [addressInfoServiceImpl] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using 'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example.

The thing is, we never see this error when we start up the service on our desktops. We only see this error when the build runs on the CI server. In fact, most of the time when we're building the same code, this error does not occur. I have a test case where it runs four concurrent builds of the same branch and commit (targeting for deployment to four different clusters), and sometimes all four succeed, but sometimes one (or even two) of them will fail with this error.

My first theory, when I determined the seeming randomness of this, was that there was some screwy problem with our docker registry or docker cache, which was somehow occasionally giving us an older image (there was a related problem of this nature, for real, several weeks ago). Despite my desire to hang this on another team, I have to assume that there's something we're doing that could be causing this, but perhaps it's random because this is depending on a race condition. I find it hard to believe that Spring bean resolution could have race conditions.

Is there any possibility that an error like this might occur or not occur, depending on race conditions?

We're using Spring Framework 5.0.9 with Spring Boot 2.0.5.

Update :

Note that I still can't repeat this problem with ordinary testing on my laptop, but we were able to extract the jar file constructed on the CI server and download it to my laptop, and then run that directly, and it does get the same error. We compared the contents of the jar file between that jar and a "good" one, and the differences were subtle, no obvious problems that might cause this. We did notice that the AddressServiceClient mentioned in the error is second in the list of classes in the "bad" jar, and far down the list in the "good" jar.

I then thought that perhaps adding @Lazy to the AddressServiceClient class would avoid the problem (not that I don't say "fix"). I tried modifying that "bad" jar file locally, using "zip" to update the jar file with the updated class file, and I found that that resulting jar file did NOT demonstrate the symptom. However, when I finally merged the PR with this change and the builds ran on the CI server, one of them still failed with the same error.

You can use setter injection, it use Spring L3 Cache .
For example:

    private TmsOrderService tmsOrderService;

    public void setTmsOrderService(TmsOrderService tmsOrderService) {
        this.tmsOrderService = tmsOrderService;

Spring L3 Cache avoid circular dependencies.

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