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AutoHotKey not finding image on a window

I recently discovered AutoHotKey, this scripting language seemed to be amazing !

Unfortunately, I can't manage to make my script find an image on a window (BlueStacks in my case). Can someone please help me, my script is:

CoordMode, Pixel, screen
CoordMode, Mouse, screen


ImgFound := false

while(ImgFound = false)
  ImageSearch, ButtonX, ButtonY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *50 C:\Users\...\Documents\...\test.png
  if (ErrorLevel = 2)
      MsgBox Could not execute script.
  else if (ErrorLevel = 1)
    ImgFound := false
      MsgBox Found.
      click, %ButtonX%, %ButtonY%
      ImgFound := true

Your while loop is unreachable code.
The code execution stops when the first hotkey label is encountered. This is called the Auto-execute Section .

Move your hotkey definition to be at the very bottom.
(All hotkeys always defined by hotkeys labels get always created regardless of being in the auto-execute section or not)

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