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Excel VBA Error 1004 in cell formula replacement

Note: I'm French, so normally I use french functions (eg SI for IF or SOMME for SUM ) and the default decimals separator is the coma and not the point (eg 1,03 for 1.03 )

I have to replace many formulas in an Excel workbook, and all of them have the same template, but I could not use the fast fill-in tool, so I'm trying to make a macro for this.

First, here is how the cell currently looks:

='C:\...\[file1.xlsx]'sheeta:$XXa$nna - 'C.\...\[file2.xlsx]'sheetb!$XXb$nnb

So basicely, I want to keep these two addresses (I will name them ad1 and ad2 ) to make the followig formulas:


Which substracts two numbers stored with differents formats, and displays NA if at least one of them is not a number.

Here is the macro I wrote:

Sub tmp()
    Dim c As Range
    Dim adr1 As String
    Dim adr2 As String
    Dim frm As String

    For Each c In Application.Selection.Cells
        adr1 = Split(Split(c.Formula, "=")(1), "-'")(0)
        adr2 = "'" & Split(Split(c.Formula, "=")(1), "-'")(1)

        frm = "=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(VALUE(" & adr1 & ";"".""));ISNUMBER(VALUE(" & adr2 & ";""."")));SUM(VALUE(" & adr1 & ";""."");PRODUCT(-1;VALUE(" & adr2 & ";""."")));""NA"")"

        c.Formula = frm
End Sub

The error occures on the last action c.Formula = frm .

I've already checked frm 's value, and it is good.

I think there is a synthax error on my formula, but I couldn't find it. Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance !

VBA accept only US format formula. US format use , instead ;

        frm = "=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(VALUE(" & adr1 & ",""."")),ISNUMBER(VALUE(" & adr2 & ","".""))),SUM(VALUE(" & adr1 & ","".""),PRODUCT(-1,VALUE(" & adr2 & ","".""))),""NA"")"

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