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SQL split row based when column value is greater than 1 by date

I have a table that I need to split the columns on based one a date column and another column for values.

Essentially when there numbers column is greater than one, I need to split that column up on the same date until until that column equals one.

For example, this is the dataset that comes in

|     CONF#   DATE       Numbers     Rev       |
| ------- ----------- ----------- -----------  |
| 24720   01/10/2014  1           35           |
| 24437   11/09/2014  2           450          |
| 24007   04/08/2014  3           15           |
| 24628   25/09/2014  1           100          |

The result I'm looking for

|     CONF#   DATE        Numbers     Rev      |
| ------- ----------- ----------- -----------  |
| 24720   01/10/2014  1           35           |
| 24437   11/09/2014  1           225          |
| 24437   11/10/2014  1           225          |
| 24007   04/08/2014  1           5            |
| 24007   04/09/2014  1           5            |
| 24007   04/10/2014  1           5            |
| 24628   25/09/2014  1           100          |

The result set comes back with those rows greater than one broken up. The rev is split evenly among the rows broken up.

I'm trying to write a cursor for this

    DECLARE cursor_SplitRow CURSOR
FROM [table];

OPEN cursor_SplitRow;
    DECLARE @counter INT = 1;
    WHILE @counter <= @Numbers
            INSERT INTO #TemptTable
            VALUES(@CONF#  ,

I'm think that the code needs to run the to divide by how many it is past one, so if the number is 5, revenue has to be divided by 5 and split evenly, this is where I'm stuck

Don't use a cursor. Use a recursive CTE:

with cte as (
      select conf#, date, numbers, rev / numbers as rev, 1 as n
      from t
      union all
      select conf#, dateadd(day, 1, date), numbers, rev, n + 1
      from cte
      where n < numbers
select conf#, date, 1 as n, rev
from cte;

If you have a numbers or tally table handy, you can use that as well:

with n as (
      select row_number() over (order by (select null)) as n
      from master..spt_values
select t.conf#, dateadd(day, 1, t.date), 1 as number, t.rev / t.numbers
from t join
     on n <= t.numbers;

You can also use an ad-hoc tally/numbers table


Select [Conf#]
      ,[Numbers] = 1
      ,[Rev] = Rev/A.Numbers
 From YourTable A
 Join ( 
        Select Top 1000 N=Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL)) From master..spt_values n1, master..spt_values n2
      ) B on B.N<=A.Numbers
 Order By CONF# Desc


Conf#   Date        Numbers Rev
24720   01/10/2014  1       35.00
24628   25/09/2014  1       100.00
24437   11/09/2014  1       225.00
24437   11/09/2014  1       225.00
24007   04/08/2014  1       5.00
24007   04/08/2014  1       5.00
24007   04/08/2014  1       5.00

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