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VBA Select case 1 to 100 only taking 1

I'm trying to make a select case that identifies if a number is lower than 0, 1 to 100 or greater than 100, the thing is that is just doesn't work. Here's my code:

If IsNumeric(TxtTemp.Text) Then

    Select Case TxtTemp.Text

        Case Is <= 0
            TxtEstado.Text = "Solid"

        Case 1 To 100
            TxtEstado.Text = "Liquid"

        Case Is > 100
            TxtEstado.Text = "Gas"

    End Select


TxtEstado.Text = ""

End If

I know that this is an easy thing to do, the thing is that the select case returns liquid only if the number received is equal to 1. If it is lower or equal to 0 it returns solid, but if it is equal or greater to 2, it returns gas. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

Maybe it is easier to use a function for this kind of conversion

    Function chText(txt As String) As String

    On Error GoTo EH

        Dim resTxt As String

        If IsNumeric(txt) Then
            Select Case CDbl(txt)
                Case Is <= 0
                    resTxt = "Solid"
                Case 1 To 100
                    resTxt = "Liquid"
                Case Is > 100
                    resTxt = "Gas"
            End Select
            resTxt = ""
        End If

        chText = resTxt

        Exit Function

        chText = "Error"

    End Function

Sub Tester()

 Debug.Print chText("101")
' TxtEstado.Text = chText(TxtTemp.Text)

End Sub

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