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I want to fetch current user data from firebase database in my flutter application

My Question is that i want to fetch data of the current user only. but this code below is fetching data of all the users present in my Database. how can i fetch the data of only and only current user.

  1. This is the code with which i am fetching data from firebase(I am using Realtime DataBase). in this 'node-name' is the field under which my data is being stored.
class ShowDataPage extends StatefulWidget {
  _ShowDataPageState createState() => _ShowDataPageState();

class _ShowDataPageState extends State<ShowDataPage> {
  List<myData> allData = [];

  void initState() {
    DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();
    ref.child('node-name').once().then((DataSnapshot snap) {
      var keys = snap.value.keys;
      var data = snap.value;
      for (var key in keys) {
        myData d = new myData(
      setState(() {
        print('Length : ${allData.length}');
  1. This is the code from which i am uploading my data to the firebase under the name of 'node-name'. this code is stored in another file and is having another necessary fields also but this is the field which uploads my data to the firebase.
_sendToServer() {
    if (_key.currentState.validate()) {
      DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();
      var data = {
        "name": name,
        "profession": profession,
        "message": message,
      ref.child('node-name').push().set(data).then((v) {
    } else {
      setState(() {
        _autovalidate = true;
  1. My data base in firebase looks like given below.


Use the user uid:

.then((DataSnapshot snap) {...}

If you don't know the uid and didn't use it, then perform a query by the name fore example.

void initState() {

fetchUser(FirebaseUser user)
  DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();
  ref.child('node-name').child(user.uid).once().then((DataSnapshot snap) {
      var keys = snap.value.keys;
      var data = snap.value;
      for (var key in keys) {
        myData d = new myData(
      setState(() {
        print('Length : ${allData.length}');

you can use like this

ref.child('node-name').child('/** current_user_key **/').once()

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