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How can I solve the error “Can't switch processors on a single processor kernel triage dump” in WinDbg?

I have a mini dump generated with the default parameters described at Collecting User-Mode Dumps .

The dump was generated when the system was hanging through right CTRL + SCROLL LOCK + SCROLL LOCK as set in the following register keys:


So the call stack that WinDbg shows me after the command 0: kd> !analyze -v is the one of the thread that was executing from kbdhid device driver.

When I tried to switch to a different processor I get the error:

0: kd> ~1
Can't switch processors on a single processor kernel triage dump

How can I solve this error?

What is a "single processor kernel triage dump"? If I search with Google I will get 3 or 4 results... no more, maybe someone from Microsoft could be of great help here:-).

Is there some particular value of CustomDumpFlags that I have to set? See MINIDUMP_TYPE enumeration .

I know that my system is multiprocessor and WinDbg confirms it:

0: kd> ~8
8 is not a valid processor number
0: kd> ~7
Can't switch processors on a single processor kernel triage dump

A Single Processor Kernel Dump or a kernel triage dump is a feature

where you can collect the kernel mode stack trace of an user mode process

on a machine that was not booted with /DEBUG on iirc available from vista+

you can also collect this dump using kdbgctrl

D:\>tasklist | grep -i edge
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe          12588 Console                    5     41,892 K
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe           9152 Console                    5   1,49,064 K

D:\>kdbgctrl -td 9152 edgy.dmp
Dump created in edgy.dmp, 1048564 bytes

D:\>file edgy.dmp
edgy.dmp: MS Windows 64bit crash dump, 1018708 pages

run !process -1 1f command to get the stack of all the threads for the current process only one process kernel memory will be available in this dump !process 0 0 wont work

it is not full kernel memory dump and may not be having information about any other processor stack aswell

run !cpuid only the info about 0 processor will be present in this dump

0: kd> !cpuid
CP  F/M/S  Manufacturer     MHz
 0  6,142,9  GenuineIntel    2304
Unable to get information for processor 1
Unable to get information for processor 2
Unable to get information for processor 3
0: kd>  

or irql

0: kd> !irql 0
Debugger saved IRQL for processor 0x0 -- 0 (LOW_LEVEL)
0: kd> !irql 1
Cannot get PRCB address from processor 0x1
0: kd> !irql 2
Cannot get PRCB address from processor 0x2
0: kd> !irql 3
Cannot get PRCB address from processor 0x3
0: kd>                                      

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