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Recreating R Quantile Type 2 in Numpy

I'm migrating some legacy code from R to Python and I'm having trouble matching the quantile results with numpy percentile .

Given the following list of numbers:

a1 = [

Using quantile in R such that

quantile(a1, probs=.05, type=2)

Gives a results of 3.541667

Trying all of the interpolation methods in numpy to find the same result:

{x:np.percentile(a1,q=5, interpolation=x) for x in ['linear','lower','higher','nearest','midpoint']}


{'linear': 3.566666666666666,
 'lower': 3.54166666666667,
 'higher': 3.58333333333333,
 'nearest': 3.58333333333333,
 'midpoint': 3.5625}

As we can see the lower interpolation method returns the same result as R quantile type 2

However again with a different quantile in R we get different results:

quantile(a1, probs=.95, type=2)

Gives a result of 10.71429

And with numpy:

{x:np.percentile(a1,q=95, interpolation=x) for x in ['linear','lower','higher','nearest','midpoint']}


{'linear': 10.667532467532439,
 'lower': 10.6363636363636,
 'higher': 10.7142857142857,
 'nearest': 10.6363636363636,
 'midpoint': 10.67532467532465}

In this case the higher interpolation method returns the same result

I'm hoping that someone familiar enough w/the R quantile types can help me reproduce the same quantile logic in numpy.

You can implement this yourself. With type=2 it's a rather simple calculation. You either take the next highest order statistic or at a discontinuity (ie 100 values and you want the p=0.06, which falls exactly on the 6th value) you take the average of that order statistic and the next greatest order statistic.

import numpy as np

def R_type2(arr, p):
    arr : array-like
    p : float between [0, 1]
    #m=0 for Q_2(p) in R
    x = np.sort(arr)
    n = len(x)

    aleph = n*p
    k = np.floor(np.array(aleph).clip(1, n-1)).astype(int)
    gamma = {False: 1, True: 0.5}.get(aleph==k)   # Discontinuity or not

    # Deal with case where it should be smallest value 
    if aleph < 1:
        return x[k-1]  # x[0]
        return (1.-gamma)*x[k-1] + gamma*x[k]

R_type2(a1, 0.05)

R_type2(a1, 0.95)

A word of caution. k will be an integer while n*p is a float. In general it's a very bad idea to do aleph==k because this leads to problems with floating point inaccuracies. For instance with 100 numbers p=0.07 is NOT considered a discontinuity because 0.07 cannot be represented precisely . However, because R seems to implement a pure equality check I left it like the above for consistency.

I personally would favor changing from the equaltiy: {False: 1, True: 0.5}.get(aleph==k) to {False: 1, True: 0.5}.get(np.isclose(aleph,k)) that way floating point issues don't become a problem.

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