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How do I print out this list of lists?

count: int = 0
while count < len(stocksOwned):
    print(stocksOwned[count][count][0],'\nsakuma cena-',stocksOwned[count][count][1])
    count += 1

stocksOwned = [[['Microsoft', 150, 0.01, 0, 0]], [['Tesla', 710, 0.0424, 0, 0]]]

Traceback: print(stocksOwned[0][count][0],'\nsakuma cena-',stocksOwned[0][count][1]) IndexError: list index out of range

I can't seem to figure why the index is out of range. I know indexing starts with 0. What am I not seeing or understanding here?

This is actually a list of lists of lists... Here's how you print:

for stock in stocksOwned:
     print(stock[0][0],'\nsakuma cena-',stock[0][1])

You may mean to have:
stocksOwned = [['Microsoft', 150, 0.01, 0, 0], ['Tesla', 710, 0.0424, 0, 0]] (a list of lists)

You are calling stocksOwned[count][count] and this results to the error based on stocksOwned = [[['Microsoft', 150, 0.01, 0, 0]], [['Tesla', 710, 0.0424, 0, 0]]] . Use the following code:

while count < len(stocksOwned):
    print(stocksOwned[count][0][0],'\nsakuma cena-',stocksOwned[count][0][1])
    count += 1

Your second dimension of list has only 1 index.


will give you the correct value. Having stocksOwned[count][count][0] will make it index the next list which is not there.

[['Microsoft', 150, 0.01, 0, 0]]
['Microsoft', 150, 0.01, 0, 0]

This is how it looks. so indexing 1 in the middle one will throw error.

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