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Can't Connect to my Simple Http Server on or external IP

I have python 3.8.1 installed on my Windows 10 PC.

I run the following command from PowerShell in the directory I want to set as server

python -m http.server 8000

I get the following response after running the command

Serving HTTP on:: port 8000 ( http://[::]:8000/ )...

I'm able to access the directory on localhost:8000 but not or

I can't access the server on my external Ip from the same PC or a different PC on the Same.network.

I checked the firewall to make sure Python was an accepted app and my.network was set to private.

Even though the documentation didn't state this. I presumed that the server wasn't binding to all the available ports. In PowerShell, I tried running

python -m http.server 8000 --bind

I got the following response instead

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( )...

I was able to access the Server on the following addresses

Hope this helps someone other than me

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