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Typeorm Like query

The like query of typeorm is not working. Here is the code where I try to search by keyword in email

async findAll(findAllQuery: FindAllQuery): Promise<any> {
    const [users, total] = await this.usersRepository.findAndCount(
        where: {
          email: Like(`%${findAllQuery.keyword}%`),
        skip: findAllQuery.page - 1,
        take: findAllQuery.itemsPerPage,
    return { users, total };

Any ideas how to get this work?

I finally did it work avoiding Like, it seems I misunderstood the meaning of Like, all I wanted was to search in users by keyword, so I did something like this, and it worked.

async findAll(findAllQuery: FindAllQuery): Promise<any> {
    const options: FindManyOptions<User> = {};

      options.where = {

          {email: RegExp(`^${findAllQuery.keyword}`,'i')},
          {firstName: RegExp(`^${findAllQuery.keyword}`,'i')},
          {lastName: RegExp(`^${findAllQuery.keyword}`,'i')},
          {username: RegExp(`^${findAllQuery.keyword}`,'i')},

      options.skip = findAllQuery.page - 1;

      options.take = findAllQuery.itemsPerPage;

    const [users, total] = await this.usersRepository.findAndCount(options);
    return { users, total };

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