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Kotlin + Retrofit + Gson Deserializing not working for nested json

I'm using Kotlin and retrofit+gson for network calls and i'm not able to deserializing responses for nested json

Here's My Network Module

class NetworkModule() {

internal fun provideGson(): Gson {
    return GsonBuilder()

internal fun provideOkHttpClient(): OkHttpClient {
    val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
    builder.readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    builder.connectTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    val logging = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
    logging.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
    val client = OkHttpClient.Builder()

    return client

internal fun provideLuqyaApi(gson: Gson, okHttpClient: OkHttpClient): LuqyaApi {
    return Retrofit.Builder()

here's the models

data class HomeResponse(

val code: String? = null,

val homeDataItem: HomeDataItem,

val message: String? = null,

val notifications: Int? = null


class HomeDataItem {
val specialEvent: SpecialEvent?=null

val homeAdvertisment: HomeAdvertisment?=null

val locations=ArrayList<LocationsItem>()

and i'm getting Responses like this

HomeResponse(code=201, homeDataItem= mabbabb@ada2b35 , message=All home locations and an advertisement, notifications=16)

What's wrong here?

Well you're using val for defining the elements and assigning a null value to them. Meaning that those elements won't be updated when response comes in.

val doesn't allow to change variable values, use var instead.

mabbabb@ada2b35 is actually a reference address, address at which it is stored.

Neither HomeDataItem implement toString() nor it is a data class.

The data is correctly deserialized, you can also access it. But if you call println it will trigger its default toString implementation which returns its reference address.

Workaround 1: Create your toString yourself:

fun toString() =
    "HomeDataItem(specialEvent=$specialEvent, homeAdvertisment=$homeAdvertisment, locations=$locations)"

Workaround 2: Just make the HomeDataItem a data class, it will generate toString for you.


You have to put your variables inside constructor, you currently have make them instance variable and assigned null to them.

class HomeDataItem (
val specialEvent: SpecialEvent?=null

val homeAdvertisment: HomeAdvertisment?=null

val locations=ArrayList<LocationsItem>()

SOLVED Seems it's a problem between R8 and GSON and it can be solved by adding these lines to proguard rules

-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
@com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName <fields>;
-keep,allowobfuscation @interface com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName

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