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How do I delete a specific number in an Local Storage array?

I'm making a webapp with a grades calculator where I can Add grades and delete them. They are saved in a Local Storage. When trying to delete a specifig grade it deletes the grade recently added. How can I specifically delete an int in an Array?

        <li v-for="(g,idx) in grades" :key="idx">
          {{idx+1}}. Grade : {{g}}
          <button v-on:click="delGrade()">Delete</button>
        <label>New Grade:</label>
        <input type="text" v-model="newGrade" />
        <button v-on:click="addGrade()">Add</button>
      <br />
        <p>Average: {{ calcAvg() | round}}</p>
<!-- The Script-->
export default {
  data: () => ({
    grades: [],
    newGrade: null,
    avg: 0,
    formattedNumber: ""
  name: "Home",
  props: {},

  methods: {
    delGrade: function() {
      var idx = this.grades.indexOf(this.grades);
      localStorage.setItem("grades", this.grades);
  mounted() {
      this.grades = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("grades")) || [];

First you need the grade to delete in delGrade(gradeToDelete) and once you have it (and its index by this.grades.indexOf(gradeToDelete) ) you can work with the index.

Furthermore, I think.splice needs a deleteCount to remove the element at the index. Try changing this.grades.splice(idx); to this.grades.splice(idx, 1);

I'm assuming your data looks like integers in an array. In which they will be stored like the example below.

let grades = [8, 9, 5, 6, 3];
localStorage.setItem('grades', JSON.stringify(grades));

To remove a single key from the array, first parse it back to an array format and then use the Array.prototype.filter method create a new array without the grade that you want to remove.

let gradeToRemove = 5;
let storedGrades = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('grades'));
let newGrades = storedGrades.filter(grade => grade !== gradeToRemove);
localStorage.setItem('grades', JSON.stringify(newGrades));

You should provide id, which you want to delete from array

 <button v-on:click="delGrade(idx)">Delete</button>

then you should receive that id and use it

    delGrade: function(idToDelete) {
      this.grades.splice(idToDelete, 1);
      localStorage.removeItem("grades"); // it is not necessary, coz you will override all key grades in next line
      localStorage.setItem("grades", this.grades);

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