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Spring import SQL with Hibernate

I want to use Hibernate when running the initial sql file. The problem I currently have is that I get the following Exception: I want HIBERNATE to insert the ID instead of the database!

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value

My application.properties looks like this:

#Data Source Settings
spring.datasource.dbcp2.validation-query=SELECT 1
#Add Initial Date for Testing

My User Model contains:

var id: Long = 0

My startup sql script:

INSERT INTO user (first_name, last_name, pass_word, user_name, version, email) VALUES ('deepak', 'sp', '$2a$10$2nU5xMCyzPMeNiGQsrjzQeWNcHf9NjtGzVFgy6kVRcZlLh/ABTgZW', 'spdeepak', 1, "example@example.com");

It seems like it wants to directly execute the sql (generated ID by Hibernate is not used) instead of creating an User-object and afterwards insert the data.

I ALSO get this error when dealing with default values (It says there is no default value on database). So please don't just answer with "Use GenerationType.IDENTITY)

Try this:

INSERT INTO user (id, first_name, last_name, pass_word, user_name, version, email) 
(null, 'deepak', 'sp', '$2a$10$2nU5xMCyzPMeNiGQsrjzQeWNcHf9NjtGzVFgy6kVRcZlLh/ABTgZW', 'spdeepak', 1, "example@example.com");

Your insert statement is missing id column, but it is required. If you provide null value, then db will assign its value automatically by usign autoincrement.

About id generation by hibernate for manual scripts - it is impossible. Manual scripts are executed as is directly to the database without any framework. It is pure jdbc statement sql script execution.

I see that your are using jpa repositories according to your properties files. If you want id generation to be made by hibernate then you should create your user through jpa repository.

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