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How to display start and end points x-axis label in a chart in c# windows forms?

I am just a rookie at C# windows forms application. I am trying to plot a chart from a data.table using the function this.chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(dt.DefaultView, "tms", dt.DefaultView, head[1]); where dt is the data.table, tms is timestamp column and head[1] is a data column. But I am not able to see the start and end x-axis label in chart. Check out my output here. ie I want to see the timestamp of start and end of the data. So how do I do it? Is there any predefined function?

Thanks for helping...

There is no predefined function, but

1) if your data is in some 'good' time interval, ie from 2020.05.01 0:00 to 2020.05.02 03:00, you can tune AxisX.Minimum and AxisX.Interval properties.

2) if your data is not in 'good' time interval you should use CustomLabels . It is not so easy because your CustomLabels override all normal labels.

3) if it is only necessary to show the first and the last values, and it is not important where - use RectangleAnnotation - text that can be placed on chart.

The easiest way for any data type is to set the IsMarginVisible property of the X axis to false: chartArea1.AxisX.IsMarginVisible = false; or Property Box

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