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Reverse method for List in Java prints the List Twice

For the exam, I train to write the some algorithms to the final exam. One of them is creating the reverse() method, which reverses the List<>. The problem that my method prints the list twice. How can I change the method?

Here, the code of the List.java file. The methods removeFromBack(), removeFromFront(), insertAtBack(), insertAtFront(), print(), isEmpty(), the classes List and ListNode are already defined in Deitel's Java book:

   public void reverse()
      if ( isEmpty() ) 
      } // end if
      ListNode< T > current = firstNode;

      // while not at end of list
      while ( current != null)
          current = current.nextNode;
      }  // end while


I have found such a solution:

  public void reverse() {
      int size = 0;
      if (isEmpty()) {
      } // end if
      ListNode < T > current = firstNode;

      while (current != null) {
          current = current.nextNode;

      current = firstNode;

      // while not at end of list
      while (size != 0) {
          current.data = null;
          current = current.nextNode;

      current = firstNode;

      while (lastNode.data == null) {


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