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Unidac / MyDac / SQL - I have problem with fast insert about 1000 rows

I use unidac components. And i have problem with fast insert about 1000 rows.

  query: TUniquery;
  query.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO Table (field1,field2,field3) VALUES (:b0,:b1,:b2);');
  for I := 0 to 1000 do
   Query.ParamByName('b0').AsInteger := 1;  
   Query.ParamByName('b1').AsInteger := 2;
   Query.ParamByName('b2').AsInteger := Random(100);
   Query.Execute;  //1000 times is very slow

It is faster

  query: TUniquery;
  for I := 0 to 1000 do
    Query.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO Table (field1,field2,field3) VALUES (1,2,Random(100));');
  Query.Execute;  //1 times - is fast add 

But, I would like to use the first format with the procedure Query.ParamByName('b1').AsInteger:= 2; because it is clearer and with a large number of columns I find myself easier to find.

Do you have any ideas on how to solve this?

Maybe you have some other ways to quickly insert a large number of rows with different data?

If you need to quickly insert a large number of records, you should use batch updates. You can read more about batch inserting into MySQL using UniDAC (or MyDAC) in their blog

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