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How to convert time stamp containing T and z ( for ex - 2020-03-02T16:30:36Z) to dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss

I am designing a Flex dashboard. One of the column in my dashboard is a time stamp whose column contains entries like 2020-03-02T16:30:36Z. I want to convert it into dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss. Please help. I tried this but nothing happened. In-fact, the entries got removed from the flex dashboard df$time<- as.POSIXct(df$time, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz="GMT")

The anytime package can help:

R> library(anytime)
R> anytime("2020-03-02T16:30:36Z")
[1] "2020-03-02 16:30:36 CST"
R> utctime("2020-03-02T16:30:36Z", tz="UTC")
[1] "2020-03-02 16:30:36 UTC"

First, by not requiring an input format but rather by relying on a number of possibly / plausible formats it tries heuristically. Second, by also offering to parse at UTC (and, as we do here, impose UTC for the printed format / display, which is otherwise localtime). Third, we also have some output formats should you need them:

R> pt <- utctime("2020-03-02T16:30:36Z", tz="UTC")
R> iso8601(pt)
[1] "2020-03-02T16:30:36"
R> rfc2822(pt)
[1] "Mon, 02 Mar 2020 16:30:36.000000 +0000"
R> rfc3339(pt)
[1] "2020-03-02T16:30:36.000000+0000"
R> yyyymmdd(pt)
[1] "20200302"

The underlying implementation is in C++ so it also tends to be faster than the equivalent alternatives (which require a format spec or hint).

libridate 's function as_datetime also works:

[1] "2020-03-02 16:30:36 UTC"

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