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Powershell: how to suppress output of Select-Xml?

I assigned XML file contents to a variable $config and then used another variable $market to store the output of XPath query:

$config = Get-Content -Path "C:\files\configs\config.xml" -raw
$market = (select-xml -Content $config -xpath /process-config/input/filePattern/marketCode).node.'#text'

Then I add the following line:

write-host this is $market

And the output is this:

PS C:\ps_scripts> .\xmltest.ps1

this is citigroup_ams 

My desired output would be:

PS C:\ps_scripts> .\xmltest.ps1

    this is citigroup_ams 

I attempted to add | Out-Null | Out-Null at the end of the 2nd line but in this case only the output of Write-Host cmdlet was suppressed. Is there any other way to suppress the output of Select-Xml ?

You're probably looking for something like this:

$config = [xml]@'
$market = $config.SelectNodes("/process-config/input/filePattern/marketCode/text()").Value
Write-Host "this is" $market

Output: this is citigroup_ams

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