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How to customize or remove default attributes in Log4j2 - JSON Layout

In Spring Boot 2 application I have configured Log4j2 with JsonLayout like below


        <Console name="ConsoleJSONAppender" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <JsonLayout complete="false" compact="false">
    <Logger name="CONSOLE_JSON_APPENDER" level="INFO" additivity="false">
        <AppenderRef ref="ConsoleJSONAppender" />


and I got output like below

            "timeMillis" : 1496306649058,
            "thread" : "main",
            "level" : "INFO",
            "loggerName" : "ConsoleJSONAppender",
            "message" : "Json Message",
            "endOfBatch" : false,
            "loggerFqcn" : "org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger",
            "threadId" : 1,
            "threadPriority" : 5

Output is fine but I don't want attributes like "endofBatch", "threadPriority" and others but it is getting displayed in logs, how to avoid unwanted (default) attributes in JsonLayout based logs .

If you want to log only level and loggerName than customize like below in your configuration file.


The parameter are described at here . Find Patterns at Pattern Layout .

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