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WooCommerce 4.1+ Geolocation / Geo_IP and Maxmind GeoLite2?

I was in the Woocommerce settings and noticed I had "Default customer location" set to "No location by default". There is a Maxmind GeoLite Database they mention that I can use. However I'm already using the class:

new WC_Geolocation();

and it's working. Could someone explain to me how this works?

The above class is free and I don't need to pay for it, correct?

If Maxmind is a different service, why do others use it? Why not use the free built in class instead?

Maxmind GeoLite2 is FREE .

Since WooCommerce 4.1 things are changing and you have now to signup for Maxmind GeoLite2 . It will allow you to generate GeoLite2 license key, that you will set in woocommerce > Settings > Integration:


Everything is explained on this official documentation: MaxMind Geolocation Integration

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