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How do i select an item from readlines lists in Python?

So this is what i have so far for a class project

import os 

UserSelection = input("Select a txt file: ")

with open(UserSelection, 'r', encoding= "latin-1") as f:
    lines= f.readlines()

    print("These are your headers:", lines[0])

state = words()[6]

for i in range(1,len(lines)):
       if(words()[6] == 'California'):

i have a large census table and i'm trying to keep only lines where STATE(which is 6th index) is CA. i thought words()[6] would do it but its not. thanks ahead!

Welcome to SO. In the code that you post there are few lines that not so clear to understand.
1) print("These are your headers:", lines[0]) is not indented properly.
2) state = words()[6] the words is not defined before this line.
3) for i in range(1,len(lines)): in this line you are iterating over lines indexes without the first line can be replaces with line in lines[1>]: .
4) words=line.split split method in lists is callable in python so you should use () when you use the method.
5) if(words()[6] == 'California'): unlike split words is a variable not a method so it should not be called with ().
The way as I understand for you code that the code should be is more like

import os 

userSelection = input("Select a txt file: ")

with open(userSelection ,'r', encoding= "latin-1") as f:
    lines= f.readlines()

print("These are your headers:", lines[0])

for line in lines[1:]:
    if words[6] == 'California':

It does work. Your error is indentation. Also, you have some other small errors.

. . .

for i in range(1,len(lines)):
  if (words[6] == 'California'):

.split() is a function and should be called as one.

No need to unnecessarily indent either. Replacing the code snippet above with your old for loop will do the trick.

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