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saving custom object Type variable using hibernate

i have a spring boot and hibernate based project that contains a simple schedule(pojo) class and an entity class to save in mysql using hibernate.

Now i want to create a field in tutorAvailableSchedules entity which is an array of schedule type. when i try the below code it gives me the error.

availableSchedule.class ->pojo

package fG.Model;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class availablitySchedule {
    String startTime;
    String endTime;
    String days[];

TutorAvailablitySchedules.class ->Entity

package fG.Entity;
import fG.Model.availablitySchedule;

public class TutorAvailablitySchedules {

    Integer tid;
    String fullName;
    availablitySchedule[] availableSchedules;
    String currentSchedule;
    String availablityStatus;

error i get:

 Could not determine type for: fG.Model.availablitySchedule, at table: tutor_availablity_schedules, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(available_schedules)]

I will sketch you a possible solution. It may need some refinement, depending on how you want to model the relationship of your entities.

  1. You could annotate class AvailablitySchedule as @Entity such that it reflects a table. As a consequence you will have to think about an id.
  2. Refactor AvailablitySchedule[] availableSchedules in class TutorAvailablitySchedules to List<AvailablitySchedule> availableSchedules
  3. Define a @OneToMany relationship between TutorAvailablitySchedules and AvailablitySchedule by annotating field List<AvailablitySchedule> availableSchedules in TutorAvailablitySchedules with @OneToMany
  4. Change String[] days; to List<String> days; in class AvailablitySchedule
  5. Annotate List<String> days; with eg @ElementCollection .
  6. Look at the tables that are created and think about if this is the structure you want to have.

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