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How to send post request with oAuth 1.0 using retrofit?

I want to send post request with retrofit with additional things like oAuth 1.0, Consumer Key and Consumer secret Image for explain briefly

and I want to send data with raw inside body

Request i want to send :


My Api service

public interface APIService {

    @Headers({"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Accept: application/json",
    "Consumer_Key: HHAKRMFG",
    "Signature_Method: HMAC-SHA1",
    "OAuth_Version: 1.0",
    "Consumer_Secret: DPNQGUX1TKRYGWJOPH5DBLRB"})
    Call<ResponseList> savePost(@Field("provider") String provider,
                                @Field("profileId") String profileId,
                                @Field("email") String email,
                                @Field("MobileNo") String MobileNo,
                                @Field("FirstName") String FirstName,
                                @Field("LastName") String LastName,
                                @Field("gender") String gender,
                                @Field("loginId") String loginId,
                                @Field("subscribeToOffers") String subscribeToOffers);


I have got got a way to do this or can say I have got answer of my question

This library help me to use retrofit with oAuth 1.0

In the mid I got lot of minor errors which are easily resolve by searching on Internet

If you are using this library don't forget to add
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />

in you <application tag

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