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How can I query latitude and longitude in esri ArcGIS rest API instead of spatial coordinates?

I am using ArcGIS for a project. While using its Rest API, I realized that the coordinates are returning in a spatial coordinates format:

        "rings": [

instead of

        "rings": [

I realized that I can convert those to lon lat but in some occasions the data set is huge, taking ages to convert them.

Is there a better way to do it?

Please note that you can set outSR param to 4326 in your request. For example:

curl --location --request GET 'https://yourARCGISserverDomain/arcgis/rest/services/National/General_Search/MapServer/12/query?f=json&outFields=*&outSR=4326&returnGeometry=true&where=1=1'

Note the outSR=4326 parameter.

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