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What is the gettext command's language for jQuery in poedit?

I am making a pot file where I want the file to scan for gettext keywords in a JS jQuery file. It scans the php perfectly, but the.js file seems not be working. I am wondering if I have actually the extractor setup correct for the command's language. This is what I have:

Language: JS
List of extensions: *.js
Command: xgettext --language=C --force-po -o %o %C %K %F

It scans the file, but nothing is added. What is the language for jQuery?

To give more information:

This is an example of the JS file:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    if(location.href.indexOf('/<?php esc_html_e('url_page_discount', 'custom-translation-strings' ?>/') > -1){ //rewards
        jQuery('.rs_custom_fblike_button').attr('value', '<?php esc_attr_e('I Like', 'custom-translation-strings' ?>');
        if (jQuery('#menu-item-10159').length){
            jQuery('#rs_friend_subject').attr('value', '<?php esc_attr_e('Discount for an interesting store!', 'custom-translation-strings' ?>');

I have covered the esc_attr_e() in the sources keywords:


I am wondering if I have actually the extractor setup correct for the command's language

You don't. The very fact that you're even configuring extraction suggests that you're either using a very old version of Poedit or you're adding custom configurations. In either case, don't: update to the latest, delete or disable all your custom extractors, and let Poedit do its thing with defaults.

Command: xgettext —language= C --force-po -o %o %C %K %F

You're asking Poedit to treat JavaScript files as being written in C. The results predictably follow the GIGO principle.

This is an example of the JS file:

You're putting (even PHP!) code into string literals . That's a) not going to work and b) cannot have any translatable strings extracted from.

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