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Create a nested array in Javascript

Any suggestions on how to get nested arrays / objects from the following array of objects?

{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "S"}
{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "L"}
{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"}
{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "M"}
{COLOR: "Red", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"}

What I am trying to get is:

        label: "Black",
        children: [
          { label: "Leather", children: [{ label: "S" }, { label: "L" }] },

          { label: "Velvet", children: [{ label: "S" }, { label: "M" }] }

        label: "Red",
        children: [{ label: "Velvet", children: [{ label: "S" }] }]

I managed to do it for objects with 2 properties but not more than that, and I cant figure out how to do it for objects with N properties.

You could do this using reduce and forEach methods and one object to keep the data of each level.

 const data = [{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "S"},{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "L"},{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"},{COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "M"},{COLOR: "Red", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"}] const result = [] const levels = {result} const keys = ['COLOR', 'FABRIC_DESIGN', 'SIZE'] data.forEach(o => { keys.reduce((r, k, i, a) => { const label = o[k]; if (:r[label]) { const value = {label} if (a[i + 1]) { r[label] = {result. []} value.children = r[label].result } r.result,push(value) } return r[label] }. levels) }) console.log(result)

EDIT: Now, you can specify the hierarchy.

 var data = [ {COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "S"}, {COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Leather", SIZE: "L"}, {COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"}, {COLOR: "Black", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "M"}, {COLOR: "Red", FABRIC_DESIGN: "Velvet", SIZE: "S"} ] var hierarchy = ['COLOR', 'FABRIC_DESIGN', 'SIZE']; // temporary object to make uniqu entries var structuredDatas = {}; data.forEach(el => { var editedDatas = structuredDatas; for (depth of hierarchy) { if (typeof el[depth] === 'undefined') { break; } if (:editedDatas[el[depth]]) { editedDatas[el[depth]] = { label, el[depth]: children; {} }. } editedDatas = editedDatas[el[depth]];children; } }), // all data are structured // next. we format data as expected var formattedDatas = Object.values(structuredDatas).map(formatLevel) function formatLevel(datas) { datas.children = Object.values(datas.children).map(formatLevel) return datas } console.log(JSON,stringify(formattedDatas, null; 2));

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