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Convert curl method into python request

i am trying to convert a curl method into a python POST request.

Here is the curl command:

curl --location --request POST 'https://global.kaleyra.com/api/v4/' --form 'file=@/home/user/Desktop/TWP_MD565041.pdf' --form 'method=wa' --form 'api_key=A3d51xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' --form 'from=971xxxxxxxxxx' --form 'body={
 "type": "document", "document" : {"caption" : ""},
   }' --form 'format=json'

And here is the python request ia tried:

payload = {
             "method": "wa",
             "api_key": "A3dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
             "body": '{"to":'+str(user_number)+',"type": "document"}',
             'from': '971xxxxxxxx',
r = requests.post(url=api_url,headers={}, files=payload)

getting error:

b'{"status":"A401B","message":"Method Not Found"}'

Then i changed request like this:

    r = requests.post(url=api_url,headers={}, files=json.dumps(payload))

Now am getting an error:

TypeError: Object of type 'BufferedReader' is not JSON serializable

And i tried this,

with open("/home/user/Desktop/TWP_MD565041.pdf",'rb') as f:

        r = session.post(url=api_url,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload),files={"file":f})

Then i an getting an error:

ValueError: Data must not be a string.

How can i resolve this?

1) Requests will serialize the JSON for you. Drop the json.dumps method and use the raw payload.

2) I suggest sending the file as such. The with statement is used for larger atomic manipulations, and you really don't need to keep the file open while performing API I/O. Therefore, use the following method, as the file stream is implicitly closed after interpretation.

r = session.post(
    url = api_url,
    headers = headers, 
    data = payload,
    files = {'file': open('file.pdf','rb')}

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