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Running a cloud function with a pubsub push trigger

I've setup a Python script that will take certain bigquery tables from one dataset, clean them with a SQL query, and add the cleaned tables to a new dataset. This script works correctly. I want to set this up as a cloud function that triggers at midnight every day.

I've also used cloud scheduler to send a message to a pubsub topic at midnight every day. I've verified that this works correctly. I am new to pubsub but I followed the tutorial in the documentation and managed to setup a test cloud function that prints out hello world when it gets a push notification from pubsub.

However, my issue is that when I try to combine the two and automate my script - I get a log message that the execution crashed:

Function execution took 1119 ms, finished with status: 'crash'

To help you understand what I'm doing, here is the code in my main.py:

# Global libraries
import base64

# Local libraries
from scripts.one_minute_tables import helper

def one_minute_tables(event, context):

    # Log out the message that triggered the function
    print("""This Function was triggered by messageId {} published at {}
    """.format(context.event_id, context.timestamp))

    # Get the message from the event data
    name = base64.b64decode(event['data']).decode('utf-8')

    # If it's the message for the daily midnight schedule, execute function
    if name == 'midnight':

For the sake of convenience, this is a simplified version of my python script:

# Global libraries
from google.cloud import bigquery
import os

# Login to bigquery by providing credentials
credential_path = 'secret.json'
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = credential_path

def format_tables(dataset, list_of_tables):

    # Initialize the client
    client = bigquery.Client()

    # Loop through the list of tables
    for table in list_of_tables:

        # Create the query object
        script = f"""
            SELECT *
            FROM {dataset}.{table}

        # Call the API
        query = client.query(script)

        # Wait for job to finish
        results = query.result()

        # Print
        print('Data cleaned and updated in table: {}.{}'.format(dataset, table))

This is my folder structure:


And my requirements.txt file has only one entry in it: google-cloud-bigquery==1.24.0

I'd appreciate your help in figuring out what I need to fix to run this script with the pubsub trigger without getting a log message that says the execution crashed.

EDIT: Based on the comments, this is the log of the function crash

  "textPayload": "Function execution took 1078 ms, finished with status: 'crash'",
  "insertId": "000000-689fdf20-aee2-4900-b5a1-91c34d7c1448",
  "resource": {
    "type": "cloud_function",
    "labels": {
      "function_name": "one_minute_tables",
      "region": "us-central1",
      "project_id": "PROJECT_ID"
  "timestamp": "2020-05-15T16:53:53.672758031Z",
  "severity": "DEBUG",
  "labels": {
    "execution_id": "x883cqs07f2w"
  "logName": "projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/cloudfunctions.googleapis.com%2Fcloud-functions",
  "trace": "projects/PROJECT_ID/traces/f391b48a469cbbaeccad5d04b4a704a0",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2020-05-15T16:53:53.871051291Z"

The problem comes from the list_of_tables attributes. You call your function like this

    if name == 'midnight':

And you iterate on your 'table1' parameter

Perform this, it should work

    if name == 'midnight':

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