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Login failed for user 'SQL Login'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided [ SERVER IP] 18456

Recently I have Installed a New server as a up-gradation for an Application. I require both servers running as Different applications need to be run.

I have updated the IP of old server to new One & assigned another IP for Old server.


  • OLD IP: ( This assigned now to new one)
  • New IP: (This is new IP for OLD server)

but I'm facing a issue that the SQL Login of OLD server is still hitting the new server IP and in event manager it is showing in events as below:

Login failed for user 'SQL Login'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided [ SERVER IP] 18456

The user name in the message is not a user. This means the server itself is trying to login to SQL Server.

means <\YourSqlServerName>

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