XML code"/>
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How to add WYSIWYG on portal website odoo13

I want to add WYSIWYG HTML to the Odoo 13 website portal by using the following this tutorial , but the WYSIWYG display that I have tried only displays a loading screen so that it cannot be inputted with text. is there anything missing?


XML code:

<template id="portal_my_details_sl_elrn" inherit_id="portal.portal_my_details">
    <xpath expr="//form/div/div/div/div[3]" position="before">
        <div t-attf-class="form-group #{error.get('about_me') and 'o_has_error' or ''} col-xs-12">
            <!-- <label class="col-form-label" for="about_me">About Me</label> -->
            <label class="col-form-label" for="about_me">About Me</label>
            <textarea name="about_me" id="about_me" class="form-control o_wysiwyg_loader">
                <!-- <t t-esc="about_me"/> -->
                <input name="about_me" t-attf-class="form-control #{error.get('about_me') and 'is-invalid' or ''}"
                       t-att-value="about_me or partner.about_me"/>

In addition to the code you posted, you can add website_profile to your module depends and add o_wprofile_editor_form class to the form .

<xpath expr="//form" position="attributes">
    <attribute name="class">o_wprofile_editor_form</attribute>

Or you can add the javascript website profile editor code to website.assets_frontend instead of installing website_profile .

<template id="assets_frontend" inherit_id="website.assets_frontend">
    <xpath expr="script[last()]" position="after">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/module_name/static/src/js/custom_editor.js"></script>

The following code can be found in website_profile static folder.

var publicWidget = require('web.public.widget');
var wysiwygLoader = require('web_editor.loader');

publicWidget.registry.websiteProfileEditor = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
    selector: '.o_wprofile_editor_form',
    read_events: {
        'click .o_forum_profile_pic_edit': '_onEditProfilePicClick',
        'change .o_forum_file_upload': '_onFileUploadChange',
        'click .o_forum_profile_pic_clear': '_onProfilePicClearClick',
        'click .o_wprofile_submit_btn': '_onSubmitClick',

     * @override
    start: function () {
        var def = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
        if (this.editableMode) {
            return def;

        var $textarea = this.$('textarea.o_wysiwyg_loader');
        var loadProm = wysiwygLoader.load(this, $textarea[0], {
            recordInfo: {
                context: this._getContext(),
                res_model: 'res.users',
                res_id: parseInt(this.$('input[name=user_id]').val()),
        }).then(wysiwyg => {
            this._wysiwyg = wysiwyg;

        return Promise.all([def, loadProm]);

    // Handlers

     * @private
     * @param {Event} ev
    _onEditProfilePicClick: function (ev) {
     * @private
     * @param {Event} ev
    _onFileUploadChange: function (ev) {
        if (!ev.currentTarget.files.length) {
        var $form = $(ev.currentTarget).closest('form');
        var reader = new window.FileReader();
        reader.onload = function (ev) {
            $form.find('.o_forum_avatar_img').attr('src', ev.target.result);
     * @private
     * @param {Event} ev
    _onProfilePicClearClick: function (ev) {
        var $form = $(ev.currentTarget).closest('form');
        $form.find('.o_forum_avatar_img').attr('src', '/web/static/src/img/placeholder.png');
        $form.append($('<input/>', {
            name: 'clear_image',
            id: 'forum_clear_image',
            type: 'hidden',
     * @private
    _onSubmitClick: function () {
        if (this._wysiwyg) {

We need to call _onSubmitClick on form submit, add o_wprofile_submit_btn class to the submit button:

<xpath expr="//button[@type='submit']" position="attributes">
    <attribute name="class">btn btn-primary o_wprofile_submit_btn</attribute>

Edit: unknown field 'files'

The widget adds an input names files which is passed to the controller and when you click on Confirm button, details_form_validate method is called to check if keys present in data (post) are also in MANDATORY_BILLING_FIELDS or in OPTIONAL_BILLING_FIELDS .

I suppose you are not using files field ( it is not declared in BILLING_FIELDS ), to avoid the warning try to bypass verification:

from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import CustomerPortal

class CustomerPortalNew(CustomerPortal):

    def details_form_validate(self, data):
        files = data.pop('files', None)
        res = super(CustomerPortalNew, self).details_form_validate(data)
        data['files'] = files
        return res

Fix Code:

from odoo import api, models, fields, _

class ResPartner(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    about_me = fields.Html('About Me')


from odoo.http import Controller
from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import CustomerPortal


class CustomerPortalNew(CustomerPortal):

    def details_form_validate(self, data):
        files = data.pop('files', None)
        res = super(CustomerPortalNew, self).details_form_validate(data)
        data['files'] = files
        return res


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <template id="assets_frontend" inherit_id="website.assets_frontend">
        <xpath expr="script[last()]" position="after">
            <script type="text/javascript" src="/sl_elrn/static/src/js/website_profile.js"></script>
    <template id="portal_my_details_sl_elrn" inherit_id="portal.portal_my_details">
        <xpath expr="//form" position="attributes">
            <attribute name="class">o_wprofile_editor_form</attribute>
        <xpath expr="//form/div/div/div/div[3]" position="before">
            <div t-attf-class="form-group #{error.get('about_me') and 'o_has_error' or ''} col-xl-12">
                <label class="col-form-label" for="about_me">About Me</label>
                <textarea name="about_me" id="about_me" style="min-height: 120px" class="form-control o_wysiwyg_loader">
                    <t t-esc="about_me or partner.about_me"/>
        <xpath expr="//button[@type='submit']" position="attributes">
            <attribute name="class">btn btn-primary o_wprofile_submit_btn</attribute>

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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