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Stub method in grails unit test

I have a unit test that does not seem to pass. :(

    Date currentDate = new Date()
    DateUtils.getCurrentDate() >> currentDate
    BigDecimal amount = 5
    long paymentMethodId = 4L
    Date fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = new Date()

    use (TimeCategory) {
        fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = currentDate-5.minutes

    PaymentDetails details = Mock(PaymentDetails)
    PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountAndDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals(paymentMethodId, amount, fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate) >> details

    service.validatePaymentDetails(paymentMethodId, amount)

    thrown InvalidOperationException

The error always seems "No exception was thrown". The method validatePaymentDetails should throw an exception if the value of details is not null.

Thank you for your help!

Given a service like this:

class PaymentService {

    void validatePaymentDetails(long paymentMethodId, BigDecimal amount) {
        if(PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountAndDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals(paymentMethodId, amount, new Date()) != null) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException()

A unit test that would make sure that InvalidOperationException is thrown whenever PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountAndDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals returns something other than null could look like this:

import grails.testing.gorm.DataTest
import grails.testing.services.ServiceUnitTest
import spock.lang.Specification

class PaymentServiceSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<PaymentService>, DataTest{

    Class[] getDomainClassesToMock() {

    void "test payment details validation"() {
        BigDecimal amount = 5
        long paymentMethodId = 4L

        GroovySpy(PaymentDetails, global: true)

        def details = new PaymentDetails()
        1 * PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountAndDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals(_, _, _) >> details

        service.validatePaymentDetails(paymentMethodId, amount)

        thrown InvalidOperationException

I hope that helps.

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