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Getting the result of a domain entity in grails unit test

My service would throw an InvalidOperationException if the result of the query PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals is NOT NULL

The function aims to check if there are duplicate details from the last 5 minutes. I'm trying to create a unit test for this but the function always returns NULL instead

        DateUtils.getCurrentDate() >> new Date()
        Date currentDate = new Date()
        Date twoMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = new Date()
        use (TimeCategory) {
            twoMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = currentDate - 2.minutes

        long methodId = 3L
        BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("5")

        PaymentDetails details = new PaymentDetails(amount: amount, id:methodId).save(flush: true)

        details.dateCreated = twoMinutesBeforeCurrentDate
        details.save(flush: true)

        service.validateTransactionDetails(methodId, amount)

        InvalidOperationException exception = thrown()

Here is my service method:

    Date currentDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDate()
    Date fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = null

    use (TimeCategory) {
         fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = currentDate-5.minutes

    PaymentDetails details = PaymentDetails.findByIdAndAmountDateCreatedGreaterThanEquals(methodId, amount, fiveMinutesBeforeCurrentDate)

    if (details) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException(ApiError.SAME_PAYMENT_DETAILS_WITH_PREVIOUS_TRANSACTION)

Thank you in advance. It's my first time debugging something from Grails and I'm having a hard time on this. Please be gentle. Lol.

The problem is that new PaymentDetails(amount: amount, id:methodId) isn't really valid because id s are by default excluded from mass property binding so your PaymentDetails instance does not have the id you think it does (you can verify that by inspecting the object in the debugger if you like). A better idea is to let the entity be assigned an id by the save method and then retrieve that value later to initiate the query. This works:

import grails.testing.gorm.DataTest
import grails.testing.services.ServiceUnitTest
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
import spock.lang.Specification

class PaymentServiceSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<PaymentService>, DataTest{

    Class[] getDomainClassesToMock() {

    void "test payment details validation"() {
        Date currentDate = new Date()
        GroovySpy(DateUtils, global: true)
        1 * DateUtils.getCurrentDate() >> currentDate

        Date twoMinutesBeforeCurrentDate
        use (TimeCategory) {
            twoMinutesBeforeCurrentDate = currentDate - 2.minutes

        BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("5")

        PaymentDetails details = new PaymentDetails(amount: amount).save(flush: true)

        service.validateTransactionDetails(details.id, amount)

        InvalidOperationException exception = thrown()

I hope that helps.

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