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Replace values from YAML in JSON file - Python 3

I want to replace the values from YAML file into a JSON file using Python 3.

I have many JSON files where I want to get the values from a master YAML file and replace only certain values like source server ip, email, hostname.

Eg I have this YAML file (mast_conf.yaml):

-  sourcesystem1:
    MailTo: gokul@gmail.com
-  sourcesystem2:
    MailTo: gokul@gmail.com

A JSON file (sourcesystem1.json):


Another JSON file (sourcesystem2.json):


Below is my code I am trying out to parse the value from the json file

import json
import yaml

with open("master_conf.yaml", 'r') as f:
yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

yaml_config = {
list(config.keys()[0]): list(config[config.keys()[0]])
for config in yaml_config

json_files = ( "sourcesystem1.json",

for json_file in json_files:
with open(json_file, "r") as f:
sourcesystem_conf = json.load(f)

sourcesystem = sourcesystem_conf["source"]

if sourcesystem in yaml_config:
for key, value in yaml_config[sourcesystem].items():
sourcesystem_conf[key] = value

with open(json_file, "w") as f:
json.dump(sourcesystem_conf, f, indent=2)

I am getting the below error by program

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

When I run indivudually I get this issue for yaml

>>> yaml_config = { ... config.keys()[0]: config[config.keys()[0]] ... for config in yaml_config ... } Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 3, in <dictcomp> TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable >>>

Is there easier method to achieve my end goal where I want to replace the values in the JSON file from the Yaml configuration file

This is needed to update 1000s of Json file in a automated way for updating it from a master Yaml file

The easiest way is to use pyyaml, see Jon's answer .

Then you can load you yaml file using it:

>>> import yaml
>>> yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
>>> yaml_config
[{'sourcesystem1': {'MailTo': 'gokul@gmail.com', 'sourceServer': ''}},
 {'sourcesystem2': {'MailTo': 'gokul@gmail.com',
   'sourceServer1': '',
   'sourceServer2': ''}}]

It will be easier to manipulate a dict with source systems as keys.

In python 2 aDict.keys() returns a list so the following will work:

>>> yaml_config = {
    config.keys()[0]: config[config.keys()[0]]
    for config in yaml_config
>>> yaml_config
{'sourcesystem1': {'MailTo': 'gokul@gmail.com', 'sourceServer': ''},
 'sourcesystem2': {'MailTo': 'gokul@gmail.com',
  'sourceServer1': '',
  'sourceServer2': ''}}

In python 3 aDict.keys() no longer returns a list so you can simply use a for loop:

yaml_config = {}
for config in yaml_config_raw:
    source = [key for key in config][0]
    yaml_config[source] = config[source]

Then you can just iterate over your json files to update them:

import json
import yaml

with open("mast_conf.yaml", 'r') as f:
    yaml_config_raw = yaml.safe_load(f)

yaml_config = {}
for config in yaml_config_raw:
    source = [key for key in config][0]
    yaml_config[source] = config[source]

json_files = (

for json_file in json_files:
    with open(json_file, "r") as f:
        sourcesystem_conf = json.load(f)

    sourcesystem = sourcesystem_conf["source"]

    if sourcesystem in yaml_config:
        for key, value in yaml_config[sourcesystem].items():
            sourcesystem_conf[key] = value

    with open(json_file, "w") as f:
        json.dump(sourcesystem_conf, f, indent=2)

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