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SQLAlchemy filter converting datetime.time to datetime.datetime

I am using SQLAlchemy and cannot for the life of me get it to filter a TIME column without treating it as a DATETIME.

I have the class defined as

class v_MyView(Base):
  __table__ = Table('MyView', Base.metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('EntryDateTime', DateTime),
    Column('EntryDate', Date),
    Column('EntryTime', Time),

If I do this

results = db.query(v_MyView).first()

I get datetime.time(15, 30, 22, 560000) as expected

However if I do this

results = db.query(v_MyView).filter(v_MyView.EntryTime >= datetime.time(5,0)).first()

I get an error

[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]The data types time and datetime2 
are incompatible in the greater than or equal to operator. (402) (SQLExecDirectW)

And looking at the generated query, I see

WHERE [v_MyView].[EntryTime] >= ?]
[parameters: (datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 5, 0),)]

Examining the filter it appears to be generated correctly

right: BindParameter('%(140718484304128 EntryTime)s', datetime.time(5, 0), type_=Time())

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

This has been accepted as a bug in the SQLAlchemy repo

short term solution is to use cast:

from sqlalchemy import cast
query.filter(my_column >= cast(datetime.time(5, 0), TIME))  

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