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How to execute Shell script in Linux?

I am trying to write a Java code which can be used on Windows and Linux machine to generate bytecode for Ethereum contracts.

I am not familiar with shell scripts and linux, from what I read on internet I would be able to execute the following batch file via bash...but unfortunately i got it not working. What is the problem with my code which is meant for windows and linux and generates a batch file for windows and a shell file for linux.

How should the code be for linux? On windows this code works like a charm.

        String delim="";
        String scriptName="";
        String cmd="";
        if (Linux) {
            delim = "/";
            cmd = "bash /c compile.sh";
        else {
            delim = "\\";
            cmd = "cmd /c compile.bat";

        String UUID = __SolidityFile.getValue(getContext(),"__UUID__");
        String firstFolder = UUID.substring(0, 2);
        String secondFolder = UUID.substring(2, 4);
        String secondFolderLocation=com.mendix.core.Core.getConfiguration().getBasePath()+delim+"data"+delim+"files"+delim + firstFolder+ delim + secondFolder ;
        String fileLocation=secondFolderLocation+ delim + UUID;

        String solc =com.mendix.core.Core.getConfiguration().getResourcesPath()+delim+"node"+delim+"node_modules"+delim+"solc"+delim+"solcjs";
        String node=com.mendix.core.Core.getConfiguration().getResourcesPath()+delim+"node.exe";

        try {
              //  Block of code to try
            final File file = new File(secondFolderLocation+delim+scriptName);
            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8");
            writer.println("cd "+secondFolderLocation);
            writer.println(node+" "+ solc +" " +UUID +" --bin");
            Process p =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd, null, new File(secondFolderLocation));

            String byteCodeFile = "";
            String byteFileType = ByteCodeType.getCaption();

            switch (byteFileType) {
            case "TestToken": 
                 byteCodeFile =  fileLocation+"_TESTTOKEN.bin" ;

            case "SafeMath": 
                 byteCodeFile =  fileLocation+"_SafeMath.bin" ;

            case "Owned": 
                 byteCodeFile =  fileLocation+"_Owned.bin" ;

            case "ERC20Interface": 
                 byteCodeFile =  fileLocation+"_ERC20Interface.bin" ;

            case "ApproveAndCallFallBack": 
                 byteCodeFile =  fileLocation+"_ApproveAndCallFallBack.bin" ;

            Scanner scanner = new Scanner( new File(byteCodeFile), "UTF-8" );
            String text = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next();
            return text;

        catch(Exception e) {
              //  Block of code to handle errors
            return null ;

Try do it:

When is Linux environment:

Remove bash /c

cmd = "/usr/local/bin/compile.sh";

You need another environment condition(if) to run the code below:

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
Process p = pb.start();

Please, try it and let me know

My code

File opt/development/workspace/testes/src/testes/Main.java

package testes;

import java.io.IOException;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String cmd = "/opt/development/workspace/testes/src/testes/script.sh";

        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);

        Process p = pb.start();



File script.sh

mkdir stackoverfllow

The folder has been created in /opt/development/workspace/testes

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