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Assign value from filename and content of file to a template using Powershell

In my directory path\, I have many text files with name something like this


Each file contains lots of one liner string that looks like this


How do I write a Powershell script to pass all of the filename and content of file to a template so it will look like this for every iteration or combining all result in single file.

area "filename"
user "user1"
realname "user1"

Managed to write a script but it does not produce the desired outcome. Somehow it only produce last value of filename in loop and empty string after user and realname template.

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem path\ -Filter *.txt){
$result = @"
area $($file.BaseName)
area {0} 
realname {0} 

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem path\ -Filter *.txt){
    foreach ($line in $file |Get-Content){
        $result -f $_

Need your help to point out the error in my script and help me to fix it. I really appreciate it if anyone can help.

You only need a single set of (nested) loops for this, then reference $line and $file appropriately inside the inner loop:

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem path\ -Filter *.txt){
    foreach ($line in $file |Get-Content){
area {1}
user {0} 
realname {0}
"@ -f $line,$file.BaseName

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