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EF Core - Concurrent saving of the same entity creates multiple

The Problem
My concept is that when a user creates a post with some tags, the server first checks if the tag name already exists, if it does, it's counter is incremented, otherwise a new tag is created.

The problem comes when multiple users create a post at the same time, with a new tag, lets say new_tag , then multiple tags of the same name get persisted in the database instead of 1 tag with counter = # of users who used this tag

As you can see for each user, a new tag record is created in the database:

|  id  |  tagName  |  counter  |
|   1  |  new_tag  |    1      |
|   2  |  new_tag  |    1      |
|   3  |  new_tag  |    1      |
|   4  |  new_tag  |    1      |

What I expect:

|  id  |  tagName  |  counter  |
|   1  |  new_tag  |    4      |

This code shows how I implemented the persistence:


public async Task<bool> AddAsync(Post entity)
            await AddNewTagsAsync(entity);
            await _context.AddAsync(entity);
            await _context.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();
                var result = await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                return result > 0;

 public async Task AddNewTagsAsync(Post post)
            // store tags name in lower case
            if ((post.PostTags == null) || (post.PostTags.Count==0))
            post.PostTags.ForEach(pt => pt.Tag.TagName = pt.Tag.TagName.ToLower());

            for(var i =0; i<post.PostTags.Count; i++)
                var postTag = post.PostTags[i];

                // here lays the main problem, when many concurrent users check for tag existence 
                // all get null and new tag will be created, workaround needed!
                var existingTag = await _context.Tags.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.TagName == postTag.Tag.TagName);

                // if tag exists, increment counter
                if (existingTag != null)
                    postTag.Tag = existingTag;

               // else the new Tag object will be peristed   

This is a piece of my ER Diagram:


Just to mention, it works as expected if one user creates the tag first, then others are just incrementing the counter and use the same tag

You're looking for an atomic UPSERT statement (a combined UPDATE or INSERT).

UPSERTS are not supported by EF Core. See: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/issues/4526

However, if you're willing to forgo change tracking, you can directly make a SQL merge statement, like this:

    MERGE INTO dbo.Tags AS target  
        USING (VALUES ({TagName})) AS source (TagName)  
        ON target.TagName = source.TagName  
        UPDATE SET Counter = Counter + 1  
        INSERT (TagName, Counter) VALUES (TagName, 1);

You might call it something like this:

public async Task AddNewTagsAsync(Post post)
    foreach (var tag in post.PostTags)
        await _context.Database.ExececuteInterpolatedAsync($@"
            MERGE INTO dbo.Tags AS target  
                USING (VALUES ({tag.TagName})) AS source (TagName)  
                ON target.TagName = source.TagName  
            WHEN MATCHED THEN  
                UPDATE SET Counter = Counter + 1  
                INSERT (TagName, Counter) VALUES (TagName, 1)");

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