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How to perform a room transaction usin Rxjava

How can I do a room transaction across 2 different DAOs usin rxjava?

I have this code that I would like to use with Rxjava but I need it to return some kind of observable

fun insertStoreWithPictures(store: Store, pictures: List<StorePicture>) {



The store DAO

abstract public class store {

Single<Long> insert(store  entity);

The storePicture DAO

abstract public class storePicture {

    Completable insert(storePicture... entity);

I think you can use zip or combine operator of RxJava . It would create an observable from an iterators observable source.

Best example you can follow to achieve the same - https://blog.mindorks.com/understanding-rxjava-zip-operator-with-example

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