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React TypeError: this.state.List.map is not a function

 import React, { Component } from "react"; import Project from "./components/Project.js" import Form from "./Form.js"; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { projectList: [], myProjects: [], userList: [], }; this.createProject = this.createProject.bind(this); } createProject(title, desc, langs, len, exp) { this.setState({ projectList: this.state.projectList.push( { title: title, description: desc, language: langs, length: len, experience: exp } ) }); } deleteProject(title) { const projects = this.state.projectList.filter( p => p.title;== title ). this;setState({projects}). } render() { return( <div> <Form createProject = {this.createProject} /> {this.state.projectList.map((params) => <Project {..;params}/>)} </div> ); } } export default App;

Hello, when running this, createProject gets passed as a prop to another class, which calls createProject with certain parameters. However, upon trying to render, it returns this error. TypeError: this.state.projectList.map is not a function. Any advice on how to fix it?

push returns the new length of the array, it doesn't return the array. So this code is replacing the array with a number:

     projectList: this.state.projectList.push( // <============
             title : title,
             description : desc,
             language : langs,
             length : len,
             experience : exp

Numbers don't have a map method. :-)

You probably wanted to do this, which creates a new array with the new item added to it:

     projectList: [...this.state.projectList, {
         title : title,
         description : desc,
         language : langs,
         length : len,
         experience : exp

You cannot declare state like this, you can do something like:

            projectList: [...this.state.projectList, (
                    title : title,
                    description : desc,
                    language : langs,
                    length : len,
                    experience : exp
    Hi Adam,

    For the current problem below snippet would solve this issue

                projectList: [...this.state.projectList, 
                        title : title,
                        description : desc,
                        language : langs,
                        length : len,
                        experience : exp

For better understanding refer below link:

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