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Why does code with std::vector not compile but with std::unique_ptr it does, if there is no noexcept move constructor?

Why can the following program not be compiled?

NB: something_t's move constructor is not noexcept.

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class something_t {
    constexpr something_t() = default;

    constexpr something_t(const something_t& other)
        : field_(other.field_) {

    constexpr something_t(something_t&& other)
        : field_(other.field_) {

    unsigned int field_{ 0 };

struct data_t {
    something_t something;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> move_only; // <-- this line

int main() {
    std::vector<data_t> result;
    data_t data;
    return 0;

Error is (within g++):

/usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:127:72: error: static assertion failed: result type must be constructible from value type of input range
127 |       static_assert(is_constructible<_ValueType2, decltype(*__first)>::value,
    |                                                                        ^~~~~        

(nearly the same with clang and MSVC).

If I replace the line with the "this line" comment by std::unique_ptr<int> move_only then the code compiles fine:

    struct data_t {
        something_t something;
        std::unique_ptr<int> move_only;

Why does removing std::vector help? It also compiles with or without std::vector if I make the something_t move constructor noexcept.

NB: adding noexcept to something_t 's move constructor helps, but that's not the question.

Question is:

Why with this:

    struct data_t {
        something_t something;
        std::unique_ptr<int> move_only;

does the program compile?

But with

struct data_t {
    something_t something;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> move_only; // <-- this line

does the program NOT compile?

In fact, both std::unique_ptr<int> and std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> :

  • non-copyable
  • noexcept-moveable

So they have the same properties.

Update: I've tried to compare the type_traits of both variants:

                                                data_t(vector)          data_t(unique_ptr):
is_constructible:                               true                    true
is_trivially_constructible:                     false                   false
is_nothrow_constructible:                       true                    true
is_default_constructible:                       true                    true
is_trivially_default_constructible:             false                   false
is_nothrow_default_constructible:               true                    true
is_copy_constructible:                          true                    false
is_trivially_copy_constructible:                false                   false
is_nothrow_copy_constructible:                  false                   false
is_move_constructible:                          true                    true
is_trivially_move_constructible:                false                   false
is_nothrow_move_constructible:                  false                   false
is_assignable:                                  false                   false
is_trivially_assignable:                        false                   false
is_nothrow_assignable:                          false                   false
is_copy_assignable:                             false                   false
is_trivially_copy_assignable:                   false                   false
is_nothrow_copy_assignable:                     false                   false
is_move_assignable:                             false                   false
is_trivially_move_assignable:                   false                   false
is_nothrow_move_assignable:                     false                   false
is_destructible:                                true                    true
is_trivially_destructible:                      false                   false
is_nothrow_destructible:                        true                    true
is_swappable:                                   false                   false
is_nothrow_swappable:                           false                   false

The only difference is:

is_copy_constructible:                          true                    false

Ie, data_t with vector is copy-constructible, and with unique_ptr it is not. But how can this difference affect compilation?

The important difference here is:

std::is_copy_constructible<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>>::value == true
std::is_copy_constructible<std::unique_ptr<int>>::value == false

That first one is maybe surprising. But note that is_copy_constructible and most similar type traits only require that the operation they test is declared, not that it would be valid to actually use. std::vector unfortunately lacks some "SFINAE correctness" here, but that might be intentional for backwards compatibility.

The Standard's description of template <class T, class Allocator> class vector in [vector.overview]/2 simply says that it declares a member vector(const vector& x); . The following sections say nothing else about the copy constructor. In particular, std::vector doesn't have a piece similar to this sentence from [optional.ctor]/6 about the copy constructor of std::optional<T> :

 constexpr optional(const optional& rhs);

Remarks: This constructor shall be defined as deleted unless is_copy_constructible_v<T> is true.

Because of the various requirements on std::vector<T> , its functions like push_back , insert , and emplace which need to deal with the possibility of reallocating and populating new memory with elements already in the vector are forced to be implemented like this:

  • If std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value is true, uses the move constructor of T , and the functions provide the strong exception guarantee.
  • If std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value is false and std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value is true, uses the copy constructor of T , and the functions provide the strong exception guarantee.
  • If std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value and std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value are both false, uses the move constructor of T , but the functions cannot provide the strong exception guarantee.

( T must be move constructible, which might actually mean using a copy constructor, as a general requirement of these container functions.)

So when data_t has a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> member, it "incorrectly" has an implicitly declared copy constructor which is not deleted. This leads to std::vector<data_t>::push_back choosing the second option from the list above, but the actual use of the copy constructor leads to errors.

When data_t has a std::unique_ptr<int> member, its deleted copy constructor means that the implicitly declared copy constructor of data_t is also deleted. So in this case, std::vector<data_t>::push_back chooses the third option from the list above, using the move constructor, but if it does throw, the vector is left in an unspecified state.

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