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Filter a pandas dataframe based on two columns

I am trying to filter a pandas dataframe based on two columns, so that for each value in column 1 only those rows are left where column 2 is the minimum. I know it sounds confusing like this, so here is an example:

> df = pd.DataFrame([{'a':'anno1', 'ppm':1},{'a':'anno1', 'ppm':2},{'a':'anno2', 'ppm':2},{'a':'anno2', 'ppm':2}])

> df
       a  ppm
0  anno1    1
1  anno1    2
2  anno2    2
3  anno2    2

And I want rows 0,2 and 3, because for anno1 , the minimum ppm is 1 , and for anno2 the minimum ppm is 2 (keep both rows.). So I started with a groupby :

> grouped_series = df.groupby(['a']).ppm.min()
> grouped_series
anno1    1
anno2    2

Now I have for each value in a the minimum ppm . But how do I use this series to filter the original dataframe? Or is there even an easier way to do this? I tried several variations of:

new_df = df.loc[ df.loc[:,'ppm']==grouped_series.loc[df.loc[:,'a']] , :]

but this gives me a ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects

Use GroupBy.transform for minimal values to Series with same size like df , so compare working nice, also for filtering in boolean indexing in loc not necessary:

new_df = df[df['ppm'] == df.groupby('a').ppm.transform('min')]
print (new_df)
       a  ppm
0  anno1    1
2  anno2    2
3  anno2    2

Here is an alternative approach if you don't mind resetting the original index:

df.merge(df.groupby(['a'])['ppm'].min().reset_index(), how='inner')


    a   ppm
0   anno1   1
1   anno2   2
2   anno2   2

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